Palm Sunday

Easter Egg Hunt!

 Sunday, 1/4/2012

Dear Friends,
Today we commence a week unlike any other in the Christian year.
Palm Sunday is that time of the joyous entry into Jerusalem.  Here at All
Souls we even have an Easter egg hunt after our 10 am service.  (Sorry
grownups, this is designed for our younger members.  We will have to
wait until next Sunday)  And then we have the opportunity to meet this
week every evening to focus on the passion of Jesus.  I’m quite sure it
commenced before the last supper as he gave thought to what lay ahead.
This can be an important time for us.  I’d encourage you to find time to
take the week quietly and spiritually.  You will find it quite a blessing.
We are entering a time of ups and downs.  Isn’t that like life?  The
spiritual life can have its ups and downs as well and we need to be ready
to face them.

(from 'This week with Philip')